

This rugged landscape

Rests gently upon my eye,

Dry stone walls

Bisecting bracken green

or bracken brown


Coolness of slate grey and

rich warmness of iron ore

Cutting through where man hued

and toiled.

Fells rising either side

Herdwicks silhouetted on mountain tops

Rowans standing rock-fast

Defiant to the shaping blast of

Wind changing name changing

Mountain Ash.


I look behind

To the person before

Glimpsing recognition

Familiar in looks and ways,

But a stranger of youth

Of life and innocence.

Looking behind

To the person before

Still somewhere here

Hidden amongst layers

Of life changes.

Look behind

To the person now gone

Reflections and adaptations

A nod of recognition, and turns

To the person to become.

Love is not

Love for Arts

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)








love is not,

dimmed lights of a restaurant

michellin starred meal for two

singular or multiple red roses

on a bended knee, or petal strewn

tablecloth, champagne chilled

death by chocolate and no

original thought, but romantic

stink of venetian canals

or parisian pickpockets on

whisked away secret surprise

weekend breaks.

This is what love is not.


Dandelion wind

Dandelion wind (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

Standing open mouthed

Tongue catching snowflakes


Orange, red and browns

Airborne from leaf kicking

Joy and Autumnal laughter


Wetted legs and

Puddle drenched feet


Arms outstretched

Catching wind gusts with

Dreams of flight


Wet shoe and muddied sock

Brook leaping dares


Held safe by boughs of mighty oak

Surveyor of your world


Grazed elbows and bruised shins

Showing days of adventure and

Reckless abandonment


bricks and stones

Barbed wire and razor wire

Barbed wire and razor wire (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They build walls around here,

Don’t they?

Walls that are big and strong,

Of rock and stone,

Born from mud and earth.

Don’t they?

They build walls around here,

Don’t they?

Walls that go on for as far as the eye can see,

Empire endings,

Claims of territory.

Don’t they?

They build walls around here,

Don’t they?

Walls that reach high into the sky,

To keep you in, (so I’m told).

Don’t they?

They build walls around here,

Don’t they?

Walls of cement and barbed wire,

To keep you out, (so I’m told),

To keep them safe .

Don’t they?

They build tunnels under there,

Don’t they?

Tunnels that go deep and wide,

Don’t they?

Tunnels so you can go in and they can come out,

Don’t they?

Tunnels where you and them can pass,

And trade

Don’t they?

They build tunnels under there,

Don’t they?

Tunnels built with blood and tears,

Of toils and sweat,

Don’t they?

Tunnels built with defiance deep and dark,

Tunnels built on hopes and dreams,

Reaching deep into the earth of blue skies

and peaceful days.

Don’t they?



You have virtual friends

Who don’t call around for tea

You have virtual music

and you’re CD free

You have virtual books

on your empty shelves

You play virtual games

with your virtual friends

where the virtual fun never ends

You’re having virtual sex

making you relationship free

Your virtual lifestyle is becoming

virtually full

with your facebook, twitter,

laptop, notebook,

android new generation

pharmaceutical-less tablet

You’ve a virtual take on reality

with your virtual hard-drive

Cloud-ed mentality.

Dads’ Lesson No.3

She’s a philistine

In cultured clothing

Books on her shelf never read

Coffee table high brow to impress

Daily Mail in her head.

French cheese and red wine

Holiday home next in line

Instant coffee?

Not for she

Organic, hand picked chemical free

Big house, fancy car

She thinks she’s all la-di-da.

But wisely my dad said to me

“Fur coat no knickers,

Can’t you see?”



The dipper it stands on

wetted rock

and startled

its silent flight

glides above beck flowing.

Perched on boulder

amidst rushing tumbling

mountain streams

its’ song rising and falling

above the cascading percussion

of water falling

its legs flexing and,

quivering wings of

the bob-bob bobbing

River King.